A close up of various components placed on a printed circuit board
A blue and orange graphic depicting the sales journey of search, source, box and shipping components.

Sourcing & Distribution

The sales and technical team at GBE have extensive experience in the obsolete and hard to find electronic components market.

We have a superb global supply chain, built up over 30 years, and offer fully tested components to fulfil your requirements. This service extends from single line items to kitting for large production bills of materials (BoMs).

Our extensive catalogue and exclusive access to obsolete components throughout the world, including Original Equipment Manufacturers excess inventory and membership of several specialist B-2-B Obsolete Component Forums, means we can offer anything from specialist one-off supply for repair and service work to large, scheduled orders. GBE's current availability and stock list is over 75,000-line items.

Key Benefits:

  • Exceptional component knowledge coupled with extensive, global sourcing and partners
  • Access to exclusive mainline component manufacture lines
  • Leveraging our extensive experience of in-house design and manufacturing
  • Enables support for legacy equipment repair and maintenance
  • Full component third-party non-destructive verification testing offered for traceability and reliability
  • Component programming

Note: All parts we offer are new and unused. In some circumstances, due to severe obsolescence, we may have to offer second hand products. If this is the case we will not hide the fact about their condition. The recycling of components has become a major player in the obsolete market and is occasionally the only option, aside from a redesign.

In the unlikely event that only 'refurbs' are available then this will be CLEARLY INDICATED to you.

Tell us about your project

Ready to embark on your next project? Contact GB Electronics today and let us discuss how we can assist you in creating efficient, compliant, and innovative electronic products. Reach us at +44 (0) 1903 244 500 or email us at info@gbelectronics.com
